The Gond community, one of India’s largest tribal groups, is known for its rich cultural heritage and deep-rooted spiritual beliefs. Central to Gond society is the worship of various deities or gods, known as “Dev” in the Gondi language. These deities hold significant importance in the lives of the Gond people, shaping their rituals, customs, and way of life. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of the Dev groups within the Gond community, exploring their unique traditions, beliefs, and cultural significance.
The Gond community is divided into distinct groups based on their worship of different deities, known as “Dev Sangh” or “Dev Samaj.” Each Dev group is centered around a specific deity or group of deities, and members of each group share common religious practices and beliefs.
One of the most well-known Dev groups among the Gonds is the 6 Dev group. This group worships six principal deities, each representing different aspects of nature, fertility, and protection. These deities include Bada Dev, Mada Dev, Khermai Dev, Pharsa Pen, Pharsi Pen, and Chukki Pen. The 6 Dev group’s rituals and ceremonies are centered around these deities, with offerings and prayers made to seek their blessings and protection.
Following is the list of Surnames, who falls under 6 Dev Group –
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | Column 5 |
Adiyam | Uika | Kudopa | Kohchada | Jalpati |
Varti | Nyatam | Poreti | Raymenta | Srotiya |
Asaram | Usendi | Purayam | Gavde | Tekam |
Tirawi | Nagsori | Pavla | Raysiram | Sindaram |
Ataram | Ureti | Kusaram | Gadam | Harkola |
Tilam | Netam | Poya | Lekami | Seedam |
Ahaka | Urre | Kulmenta | Namurta | Degmati |
Tilagam | Parteti | Barkuta | Veladi | Sirsam |
Oyama | Udam | Kumra | Cheechaam | Tumdam |
Timachi | Puram | Bagam | Bodbayna | Sori |
Adamu | Elam | Keram | Cheerko | Tore |
Tusam | Jagat | Bogami | Vedkal | Sirsoso |
Armo | Tidgam | Korcha | Chidam | Sorsam |
Turram | Velaati | Markam | Varkada | Hichami |
Akom | Kadiyam | Kotnaka | Chilkam | Todam |
Tulam | Husendi | Marapa | Vedma | Hidam |
Olandi | Kaatlami | Kodopa | Chulakami | Todase |
Tulavi | Pendam | Malgam | Sallam | Karpekota |
Otti | Kiram | Koram | Chhadya | Tidam |
Tirapati | Porata | Yeladi | Singaram | Pusam |
Another prominent Dev group within the Gond community is the 7 Dev group. Similar to the 6 Dev group, this group worships a set of seven principal deities, each with its own significance and attributes. The seven deities worshipped by the 7 Dev group may vary depending on regional variations and local traditions. However, common deities worshipped by the 7 Dev group include Bara Deo, Bhan Deo, and Chhote Deo, among others.
Here is the list of Surnames, who falls under 7 Dev Group –
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | Column 5 |
Admachi | Katinga | Kohamunda | Jeengaam | Tuggaam |
Wadiva | Sayyam | Dariyam | Karpe Kota | Burdam |
Adame | Karvetam | Khandaata | Jumnaati | Turiyaam |
Bajumoota | Sarati | Dhurva | Karekari | Kokaata |
Aramor | Kiranga | Gota | Jodam | Targam |
Madavi | Sayyam | Pendro | Borsaam | Mandaami |
Ajurmooja | Kunjaam | Gotami | Borgaam | Taraam |
Marai | Saruta | Pandharaam | Kingaraam | Yerapati |
Irapati | Kodavati | Golang | Urpatai | Naroti |
Mangaraam | Sartiya | Pattavi | Sahka | Turiya |
Inavati | Kokodiya | Godga | Talaandi | Neti |
Marsakola | Chotta | Puraati | Sariyaam | Darro |
Kangaali | Dondera | Gadri | Taadaam | Nattaami |
Marpaaati | Purkaam | Pungaam | Tiryaam | Muraaki |
Kangaala | Koreti | Junnaka | Tulaava | Paddaam |
Masaraam | Pariyaam | Bhoojaam | Nanjaam | Seedovoyana |
Kannaaka | Koyataami | Jeekaraam | Sitarraam | Pattaavi |
Vetti | Karpe | Bhalaavi | Purkaam | Botti |
Kavarti | Kursenga | Jadpaati | Tilnaaka | Sarveta |
Verma | Karpaati | Kaashiyaam | Murkaasi | Verga |
Rituals and customs associated with the Dev groups play a significant role in Gond society, shaping various aspects of daily life and community events. From birth ceremonies to weddings and agricultural festivals, the worship of deities is intricately woven into the fabric of Gond culture. Special rituals and offerings are made to appease the deities and seek their blessings for prosperity, health, and well-being.
The Dev groups of the Gond community hold immense cultural significance, serving as a cornerstone of religious identity and community cohesion. Through their shared worship of deities and participation in rituals and festivals, members of the Dev groups forge strong bonds of solidarity and mutual support. Additionally, the worship of deities reflects the Gonds’ deep reverence for nature and their harmonious coexistence with the environment.
Click on the following link read more about Gond Dev Groups : (Note – Article is in Hindi script)
The Dev groups of the Gond community offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of spiritual beliefs and cultural traditions that define Gond society. Through their worship of various deities and adherence to age-old rituals, the Gonds reaffirm their connection to the divine and the natural world. As custodians of a unique religious heritage, the Dev groups continue to enrich the cultural mosaic of India and inspire awe and admiration for their deep-rooted traditions.
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